Monday, January 30, 2012

More than a parent to me.

Life is a box of surprises. You never know what is going to happen or where you are going to end up. Everything can change in seconds just like when a tornado destroys a city in the blink of an eye. That’s what my role model taught me since I was young and started facing problems.  She told me that wherever I go I will find people who will please me, people who won’t get along with me, people whom I will truly dislike, the point is that this is LIFE you just have to deal with it, make the best out of it and move on.

Before I had to pick who my role model was, I thought of things that I believed a role model should have: kindness, a good personality, goals, a good attitude, and strength. My mother has all of these qualities and much more. My mother is a super hero because of what she has done in her life and what she has accomplished. She’s diffinetly one of a kind. She’s a person who has the most impact in my life, and she is always doing whatever it takes to make me a better person. My mother has many good qualities and values, since the day I was born I always saw her as a strong woman, supportive, and not a quitter. My mom is the strongest person I never seen. She sacrificed a lot for me and my sister to make us happy and never in need of anything. I learned from her that if I worked hard, I will get what I want. She is a very sincere person; she never pretends to be someone she’s not, that’s what makes her loved by everyone around her and fun to be around. I consider her as my best friend. She is always there for me when I’m in danger or facing any sorts of problem that’s why I always go to her for advices.  

 My mother has shown me more kindness than I could have ever asked for. She has always been there for me and always puts others before her. Even if she’s married, has a husband, two kids and deals with house work and chores. With all of these responsibilities, she always manages to keep going with a smile on her face and she is always there if you need a hand in anything.  I look up to my mother because of her amazing personality. She has a great sense of humor, she's easy to talk to, and she is always there to listen.
She can go through a very bad day and still have a good attitude. She will never take her anger out on anyone and always has a positive point of view on everything around her.

I’m proud to have a mother like mine. And when I grow up, I want to become the women, wife and mother that she has been so that one day I will become as amazing as her.

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